Scripture Verse

Be…ready. Luke 12:40


Words: J. Wen­haupt Slaug­hen­haupt, in Fran­cis Mur­phy’s Go­spel Tem­per­ance Hym­nal, by Je­re­mi­ah E. Ran­kin & Ed­mund Lo­renz (New York: A. S. Barnes, 1878).

Music: Ed­mund S. Lo­renz (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Slau­ghen­haupt (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Edmund S. Lorenz


Soon the ev­en­ing sha­dows fall­ing
Close the day of mor­tal life;
Soon the hand of death ap­pall­ing
Draws thee from its wea­ry strife.


Are you rea­dy? Are you rea­dy?
’Tis the Spir­it call­ing, why de­lay?
Are you rea­dy? Are you rea­dy?
Do not ling­er long­er, come to­day.

Soon the aw­ful trum­pet sound­ing
Calls thee to the judg­ment throne;
Now pre­pare, for love abound­ing
Yet has left thee not alone.


Oh, how fa­tal ’tis to lin­ger!
Art thou rea­dy—rea­dy now?
Ready, should death’s icy fin­ger
Lay its chill up­on thy brow?


Priceless love and free sal­va­tion
Freely still are of­fered thee;
Yield no long­er to temp­ta­tion,
But from sin and sor­row flee.
