Be…ready, for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh.
Matthew 24:44
Words: Laura Geer, 1891. Some hymnals show the author as L. J. B., a possible pseudonym for Geer.
Music: Isaiah Baltzell, Carols of Praise (Dayton, Ohio: United Brethren Publishing House, 1895), number 45 (🔊
Note: In The Gospel Trumpeter Number 3, by John Clements, V. Paul Jones & J. MacMillan (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania/London, England: John MacMillan/Morgan & Scott, 1907), the music is attributed to Leander L. Pickett and the words to Laura Geer.
Are you ready, friend, to meet Him
Who has done so much for you?
Are you ready, friend, to greet Him
When He comes and calls for you?
Life is short, and time is passing,
Never to return again;
All around us they are going
From among the sons of men.
Are you ready, are you ready,
When He comes to gather
All His children home?
Are your lamps all trimmed and burning,
Do you wait your Lord’s returning?
Are you ready for the Bridegroom
When He comes?
Are you ready, friend, to meet Him?
Are your treasures all above?
Are you ready, friend, to greet Him
Who is Truth, and Life, and Love?
Is your lamp all trimmed and burning
With a clear and certain glow?
All around us they are going;
Are you ready, friend, to go?
Are you ready, friend, to meet Him
Should He call for you tonight?
Are you ready, friend, to greet Him
Should He come in morning light?
Have you lived for Christ, the Savior—
Lived an earnest life and true?
All around us they are going;
Soon He’ll come and call for you.