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Scripture Verse

Be…ready, for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh. Matthew 24:44


Isaiah Baltzell (1832–1893)

Words: Lau­ra Geer, 1891. Some hym­nals show the au­thor as L. J. B., a pos­si­ble pseu­do­nym for Geer.

Music: Isai­ah Balt­zell, Car­ols of Praise (Day­ton, Ohio: Unit­ed Breth­ren Pub­lish­ing House, 1895), num­ber 45 (🔊 ).

Note: In The Gos­pel Trum­pe­ter Num­ber 3, by John Cle­ments, V. Paul Jones & J. Mac­Mil­lan (Phi­la­del­phia, Pen­nsyl­van­ia/Lon­don, Eng­land: John Mac­Mil­lan/Mor­gan & Scott, 1907), the mu­sic is at­trib­ut­ed to Le­an­der L. Pick­ett and the words to Lau­ra Geer.


Are you rea­dy, friend, to meet Him
Who has done so much for you?
Are you rea­dy, friend, to greet Him
When He comes and calls for you?
Life is short, and time is pass­ing,
Never to re­turn again;
All around us they are go­ing
From among the sons of men.


Are you rea­dy, are you rea­dy,
When He comes to ga­ther
All His child­ren home?
Are your lamps all trimmed and burn­ing,
Do you wait your Lord’s re­turn­ing?
Are you rea­dy for the Bride­groom
When He comes?

Are you rea­dy, friend, to meet Him?
Are your trea­sures all above?
Are you rea­dy, friend, to greet Him
Who is Truth, and Life, and Love?
Is your lamp all trimmed and burn­ing
With a clear and cer­tain glow?
All around us they are go­ing;
Are you rea­dy, friend, to go?


Are you rea­dy, friend, to meet Him
Should He call for you to­night?
Are you rea­dy, friend, to greet Him
Should He come in morn­ing light?
Have you lived for Christ, the Sav­ior—
Lived an ear­nest life and true?
All around us they are go­ing;
Soon He’ll come and call for you.
