The Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly.
Psalm 84:11
Words: Herman A. Timm (1800–1866) (Traed Frem, Min Sjael, Paa Aarets Morgen). Translated from Danish to English by Paul C. Paulsen (1881–1948).
Music: Neumark Georg Neumark, 1641 (🔊
If you know where to get a good picture of Timm or Paulsen, would you send us an e-mail?
Arise, my soul, this New Year’s morning
And put away all doubt and fear;
To all who unto God are turning,
He gives His grace from year to year;
He who forever is the same,
Will hear thy prayers in Jesus’ name.
When sunlight on thy path is falling,
Do not forget His love and care,
Nor shrink when He on Thee is calling
With fortitude thy cross to bear;
In gain or loss, in joy or blame,
Give thanks to Him in Jesus’ name.
Oh, pray, my soul, lest thou should wander
Away from God and lose His rest;
Pray that His voice from Heaven yonder
May find a hearing in thy breast,
That thou, secure from sin and shame,
May lead a life in Jesus’ name.
Though earthly hopes and joys may vanish
And clouds may oft obscure the sun,
My trust in Him I will not banish,
But pray: O God, Thy will be done!
I will His love and grace proclaim
And live and die in Jesus’ name.