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Scripture Verse

The Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11


Georg Neumark

Words: Her­man A. Timm (1800–1866) (Traed Frem, Min Sjael, Paa Aar­ets Mor­gen). Trans­lat­ed from Da­nish to Eng­lish by Paul C. Paul­sen (1881–1948).

Music: Neu­mark Ge­org Neu­mark, 1641 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Timm or Paul­sen, would you send us an e-mail?


Arise, my soul, this New Year’s morn­ing
And put away all doubt and fear;
To all who un­to God are turn­ing,
He gives His grace from year to year;
He who for­ev­er is the same,
Will hear thy pray­ers in Je­sus’ name.

When sun­light on thy path is fall­ing,
Do not for­get His love and care,
Nor shrink when He on Thee is call­ing
With for­ti­tude thy cross to bear;
In gain or loss, in joy or blame,
Give thanks to Him in Je­sus’ name.

Oh, pray, my soul, lest thou should wan­der
Away from God and lose His rest;
Pray that His voice from Heav­en yon­der
May find a hear­ing in thy breast,
That thou, se­cure from sin and shame,
May lead a life in Je­sus’ name.

Though earth­ly hopes and joys may van­ish
And clouds may oft ob­scure the sun,
My trust in Him I will not ban­ish,
But pray: O God, Thy will be done!
I will His love and grace pro­claim
And live and die in Je­sus’ name.