Scripture Verse

Very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulcher. Luke 24:1


Wilhelm A. Wexels

Words: Wil­helm A. Wex­els, 1858 (Stat op, min Sjael, I Mor­gen­gry). Trans­lat­ed from Da­nish to Eng­lish by Jens C. Aa­berg.

Music: L. Niel­sen (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Niel­sen’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Arise, my soul, this East­er morn
With joy and prais­es hea­ven-born,
And hear good news from death’s dark por­tals
To all dis­tressed and griev­ing mor­tals.


O bless­èd East­er morn­ing show­er
On us thy pow­er.

Disarmed and crushed for­ev­er fell
This morn the pow­er of death and hell
For He who lay in death’s grim pri­son
With might and glo­ry is aris­en.


Come, souls, by sin and death dis­mayed
With all that in the grave ye laid
To Him who rose on East­er mor­row
And brings you balm for all your sor­row.


My soul, why shouldst thou grieve and pine?
The peace and joy of Hea­ven are thine.
The Lord arose with might su­per­nal,
And thou art heir to life eter­nal.


Come, peo­ple of the Lord, em­ploy
Your heart and soul in songs of joy,
Go forth to meet with prais­es ring­ing
The Lord who life for death is bring­ing.
