Very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulcher.
Luke 24:1
Words: Wilhelm A. Wexels, 1858 (Stat op, min Sjael, I Morgengry). Translated from Danish to English by Jens C. Aaberg.
Music: L. Nielsen (🔊
If you know Nielsen’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Arise, my soul, this Easter morn
With joy and praises heaven-born,
And hear good news from death’s dark portals
To all distressed and grieving mortals.
O blessèd Easter morning shower
On us thy power.
Disarmed and crushed forever fell
This morn the power of death and hell
For He who lay in death’s grim prison
With might and glory is arisen.
Come, souls, by sin and death dismayed
With all that in the grave ye laid
To Him who rose on Easter morrow
And brings you balm for all your sorrow.
My soul, why shouldst thou grieve and pine?
The peace and joy of Heaven are thine.
The Lord arose with might supernal,
And thou art heir to life eternal.
Come, people of the Lord, employ
Your heart and soul in songs of joy,
Go forth to meet with praises ringing
The Lord who life for death is bringing.