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Scripture Verse

Keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. Matthew 24:42


Words: Am­eri­cus W. Con­ner, in The Gos­pel Call, ed­it­ed by James V. Coombs and Will­iam Hack­le­man (St. Lou­is, Mis­sou­ri: Chris­tian Pub­lish­ing, 1895), num­ber 133. De­di­cat­ed To J. V. Up­dike, Ev­an­gel­ist (prob­ab­ly Ja­cob Van Up­dike, Jr., 1850–1907).

Music: Will­iam E. M. Hack­le­man (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Con­ner (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

William E. M. Hackleman (1868–1927)


Oh sin­ner, arouse thee!
The day is draw­ing nigh;
When Je­sus is com­ing,
With pow­er from on high.


Arouse thee! arouse thee!
Oh sin­ner, awake!
Arouse thee! arouse thee!
And all thy sins for­sake!

If Je­sus were com­ing
In all His pow­er to­night,
Then thou couldst not meet Him,
Thy heart would not be right.


Oh how canst thou spurn Him,
Who died up­on the tree,
To pur­chase sal­va­tion
So free­ly of­fered thee.


Thy friends now en­treat thee,
To come, ac­cept His love,
O join with thy loved ones,
In praise to Him above.


He on­ly com­mands thee,
To hear, be­lieve, re­pent,
Confess and ob­ey Him;
Then feel thy heart’s con­tent.


Prepare for His com­ing,
The way is of­fered thee;
Obey His com­mand­ments,
And hap­py thou shalt be.
