Scripture Verse

All the earth shall worship Thee, and shall sing unto Thee. Psalm 66:4


William Bradford (1589–1657)

Words: Will­iam Brad­ford, 1623.

Music: Song 24 (Gib­bons) Or­lan­do Gib­bons, 1623 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Orlando Gibbons


And tru­ly it is a most glo­ri­ous thing
Thus to hear men pray and God’s prais­es sing,
O how great com­fort is it now to see—
The church­es to en­joy full li­ber­ty.
And to have the Gos­pel preach­èd here with pow­er,
And such wolves re­pelled as all would else de­vour.

But God will still for His peo­ple pro­vide
Such as be able them to help and guide,
If they cleave to Him and do not for­sake—
His laws and truth and their own ways do take.
If thou hast viewed the camp of Is­ra­el,
How God in the wil­der­ness with them did dwell.

His great and mar­vel­ous works they here saw,
And He them taught in His most ho­ly law,
A small emb­lem here­of thou may­est see,
How God hath dealt with them in some de­gree,
For much of Him­self they now there have seen,
And mar­vel­ous to them His works have been.