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Scripture Verse

When the Son of Man comes in His splendor with all His angels with Him, then He will take His seat on His glorious throne. All the nations will be assembled before Him, and He will separate people from each other like a shepherd separating sheep from goats. He will place the sheep on His right hand and the goats on His left. Matthew 25:31–33


Words: J. B. Le­mon, in De­vo­tion­al Songs, ed­it­ed by How­ard Doane, Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick & Hu­bert P. Main (New York: Big­low & Main, 1903), num­ber 89.

Music: W. How­ard Doane (🔊 ).

If you know Le­mon’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Howard Doane (1832–1915)


At the judg­ment seat of Christ, my Sav­ior,
All the na­tions shall be called to stand;
And all peo­ple shall ap­pear be­fore Him,
On His left, or on His own right hand.


At the judg­ment, where wilt thou ap­pear?
Will it be on the right hand,
Will it be on the left hand?
At the judg­ment where wilt thou be found,
When be­fore Him thou shalt stand?

He shall se­pa­rate them like a shep­herd,
Oh, what part­ings in that aw­ful day!
“Come, ye bless­èd to the heav’n­ly man­sions;
Go, ye curs­èd from My throne away.”


Loved ones on one side, and, on the oth­er,
Weeping, as they part to meet no more,
God shall wipe away the tears of Chris­tians,
As they pass thro’ Heav­en’s op­en door.


At the judg­ment seat of Christ, my Sav­ior,
When all na­tions shall be ga­thered there,
Wilt thou be up­on His right hand, bro­ther,
Evermore the bliss of Heav’n to share?
