Scripture Verse

You who fear the Lord, praise Him! Psalm 22:23


Words: From The Psal­ter (Pitt­sburgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1912), num­ber 48.

Music: Park Street Fred­er­ick M. A. Ve­nua, cir­ca 1810 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Ve­nua (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


All ye that fear Je­ho­vah’s name,
His glo­ry tell, His praise pro­claim;
Ye childr­en of His chos­en race,
Stand ye in awe be­fore His face,
Stand ye in awe be­fore His face.

The suf­fer­ing one He has not spurned
Who un­to Him for suc­cor turned;
From him He has not hid His face
But an­swered his re­quest in grace,
But an­swered his re­quest in grace.

O Lord, Thy good­ness makes me raise
Amid Thy peo­ple songs of praise;
Before all them that fear Thee, now
I wor­ship Thee and pay my vow,
I wor­ship Thee and pay my vow.

For all the meek Thou wilt pro­vide,
They shall be fed and sa­tis­fied;
All they that seek the Lord shall live
And nev­er end­ing prais­es give,
And nev­er end­ing prais­es give.

The ends of all the earth shall hear
And turn un­to the Lord in fear;
All kin­dreds of the earth shall own
And wor­ship Him as God alone.

For His the king­dom, His of right,
He rules the na­tions by His might;
All earth to Him her hom­age brings,
The Lord of lords, the King of kings.

Both rich and poor, both bond and free,
Shall wor­ship Him with bend­ed knee,
And child­ren’s child­ren shall pro­claim
The glo­ri­ous hon­or of His name.

The Lord’s un­fail­ing right­eous­ness
All ge­ne­ra­tions shall con­fess,
From age to age shall men be taught
What won­drous works the Lord has wrought.