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Scripture Verse

The star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place here the Child was. Matthew 2:9


Words & Mu­sic: D. S. An­der­son, in Crown of Life, ed­it­ed by Will­iam A. Og­den (To­le­do, Ohio: Will­ard W. Whit­ney, 1875), pag­es 116–17 (🔊 ).

If you know An­der­son’s full name, or have ac­cess to a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


A most beau­ti­ful star burst out one night,
And it shone with such splen­dor and ho­ly de­light,
That wise men from the East, a coun­try afar,
Beheld with great joy that dear beau­ti­ful star.


Like a ra­di­ant gem it shone up­on them,
And led them re­joic­ing to Beth­le­hem;
And the sto­ry it told, more pre­cious than gold,
Will ev­er to glo­ry the way un­fold.

’Twas a Sav­ior they sought, ’twas a Sav­ior they found,
And they told the glad sto­ry the coun­try around;
Shall not we be as wise as those from afar,
And fol­low the beams of the beau­ti­ful star?


That bright Beth­le­hem star is shin­ing yet;
It arose in its beau­ty, but nev­er will set;
For the time draw­eth nigh when na­tions afar
Shall walk in the light of that beau­ti­ful star.


The Star of Bethlehem
Gustave Doré (1832–1883)