They ere longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them.
Hebrews 11:15–16
Words: Ada Blenkhorn, 1898. Appeared in the Gospel Herald in Song, by William S. Nickle, George F. Meyer & Owen F. Pugh (Chicago, Illinois: Meyer & Brother, 1899), number 149.
Music: Leeuwarden H. Gerdes Odinga, 1898 (🔊
If you know Odinga’s full name, or here to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
O beautiful land of the blessèd,
Where cometh not sorrow or sin;
How happy the day that my spirit
Shall enter thy portals within.
O beautiful, beautiful country!
Bright region of glory above;
O soon may I enter thy portals
To dwell with the Savior I love.
Sweet home of the good and the holy,
Blest place of the purest delight;
Where hearts, at the river that parted,
In rapturous joy shall unite.
Some day, in that beautiful country,
The song of the ransomed I’ll sing,
When Christ to the heavenly mansion
My glorified spirit shall bring.