Scripture Verse

Be strong, and of good courage. 1 Chronicles 22:13


Maltbie D. Babcock

Words: Malt­bie D. Bab­cock, Thoughts for Ev­ery-Day Liv­ing (New York: Charles Scrib­ner’s Sons, 1901), pag­es 168–69.

Music: Har­old Carl F. Price, 1921 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Price (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Be strong!
We are not here to play, to dream, to drift;
We have hard work to do and loads to lift;
Shun not the strug­gle, face it, ’tis God’s gift.
Be strong, be strong, be strong!

Be strong!
Say not the days are ev­il—ho’s to blame?
And fold the hands and ac­qui­esce—O shame!
Stand up, speak out, and brave­ly, in God’s name.
Be strong, be strong, be strong!

Be strong!
It mat­ters not how deep en­trenched the wrong,
How hard the bat­tle goes, the day, how long;
Faint not, fight on! To­mor­row comes the song.
Be strong, be strong, be strong!

Be strong!
What light of earth but spring­eth from the sun?
What hu­man love but from the Fa­ther’s heart?
Then let my thanks be giv’n to God, the One
Above, and you be­low, to each a part.
Be strong, be strong, be strong!

Be strong!
You are not robbed, and doub­ly rich am I;
For love of God, through you, I love you more.
Nor is God robbed by thanks to you, and why?
For your dear sake I new­ly Him adore.
Be strong, be strong, be strong!