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Scripture Verse

Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. Jeremiah 6:17


Words: James S. Bit­ler, Sr., 1888, alt.

Music: D. C. John (🔊 ).

If you know John’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

James Bitler (1852–1926)


Hear the bu­gle call­ing,
Come with­out de­lay;
Every man be rea­dy
For the fight to­day.
Do not sleep in dan­ger,
Do not he­si­tate;
Rouse you up, O sol­di­ers,
For the foe is great.


Hear the bu­gle call­ing,
Calling you and me;
Awake, ye sol­diers of the cross!
Hear the bu­gle call­ing,
Calling you and me,
Come with­out de­lay;
Rouse you up, O sol­diers,
For the fight to­day!

Hear the bu­gle call­ing,
Time is go­ing fast;
Men are dy­ing ’round you,
Life will soon be past!
Seize the mo­ment quick­ly,
Speak the word just now;
Trust the Lord to guide you,
He will show you how.


Hear the bu­gle call­ing;
See, it calls for you!
Don’t say there are oth­ers,
That will nev­er do.
For your place, my bro­ther,
Others can not fill;
You must do your du­ty,
Do it with a will.


O, if some poor sin­ner,
Looking now to thee,
Should be lost for­ev­er,
To eter­ni­ty,
Could you clear your con­science
Of the blood of men?
At the bar of Je­sus,
Can you meet it then?
