Scripture Verse

Ye shall pass over this Jordan. Joshua 1:11


William T. Dale (1845–1924)

Words & Mu­sic: Will­iam T. Dale, in Pre­cious Jew­els, ed­it­ed by J. H. Les­lie & R. B. Ma­haf­fey (New York: C. M. Cady, 1878), page 77 (🔊 pdf nwc).

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Over Jor­dan we shall meet,
By and by, by and by;
In that hap­py land so sweet,
By and by;
We shall ga­ther on the shore,
With our kin­dred gone be­fore,
And the Sav­ior’s name ad­ore,
By and by.

All our sor­rows shall be past,
By and by, by and by;
We shall reach our home at last,
By and by;
With the ran­somed we shall stand,
There a ho­ly, hap­py band,
Crowned with glo­ry in that land,
By and by.

We shall join the heav’n­ly choir,
By and by, by and by;
We shall strike the gold­en lyre,
By and by;
In our home so bright and fair,
Where the hap­py an­gels are,
We shall praise for­ev­er there,
By and by.

There we’ll join the ran­somed throng,
By and by, by and by;
Chanting love’s re­deem­ing song,
By and by;
There we’ll meet be­fore the throne,
Then we’ll lay our tro­phies down,
And re­ceive a shin­ing crown,
By and by.