By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.
Ephesians 2:8
Words: J. H. A., in Melodies of Grace and Truth, edited by Robert F. Beveridge (Lawrence, Massachusetts & Glasgow, Scotland: William McEwan & R. F. Beveridge, 1908), alt.
Music: A. Walwyn Evans, 1908 (🔊
If you know the author’s name, or where to get a good photo of him or Evans (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Once I was far from Jesus,
A stranger to His grace,
But o’er the mountains bleak and cold
He sought my steps to trace;
One day, praise God, He found me,
And brought me to His fold,
And now I feel His wondrous grace
Can ne’er be fully told.
Yes, by grace alone,
God helping me, I’ll stand.
True and faithful till
I reach the glory land,
Just trusting Him each moment
For His help divine,
Confessing Jesus,
My blessèd Savior.
He’s filled my life with blessing,
And changed my heart’s desire;
To witness for Him day by day
My soul is all on fire;
Full well I know that dangers
Lie thickly round my way,
But keeping sight of Jesus Christ
I cannot go astray.
So more and more of Jesus
I’m learning every day;
With such a precious friend and guide
I’ll follow all the way;
I can reflect His image,
And everyone around
My testimony clear shall know:
The Savior I have found.