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Scripture Verse

Sing unto the Lord, O ye saints of His. Psalm 30:4


Arthur Coxe (1818–1896)

Words: Ar­thur C. Coxe, Chris­tian Bal­lads 1840.

Music: Ro­bert F. Smith, in Car­ols for Use in Church, by Ri­chard R. Chope (Lon­don: Will­iam Clowes & Sons, 1894), num­ber 46 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Smith (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Carol, car­ol, Chris­tians,
Carol joy­ful­ly;
Carol for the com­ing of Christ’s na­ti­vi­ty;
And pray a glad­some Christ­mas,
For all good Chris­tian men.
Carol, car­ol, Chris­tians,
For Christ­mas has come again.
Carol, car­ol.

Go ye to the for­est,
Where the myr­tles grow,
Where the pine and laur­el
Bend be­neath the snow:
Gather them for Je­sus;
Wreathe them for His shrine;
Make His tem­ple glo­ri­ous
With the box and pine.
Carol, car­ol.

Wreathe your Christ­mas garland,
Where to Christ we pray;
It shall smell like Car­mel
On our fes­tal day;
Libanus and Shar­on
Shall not green­er be,
Than our ho­ly chan­cel
On Christ’s na­ti­vi­ty.
Carol, carol.

Carol, car­ol, Chris­tians,
Like the Ma­gi now,
Ye must lade your cas­kets
With a grate­ful vow:
Ye must have sweet in­cense,
Myrrh, and fin­est gold,
At our Christ­mas al­tar,
Humbly to un­fold.
Carol, car­ol.

Blow, blow up the trum­pet,
For our so­lemn feast,
Gird thine ar­mor, Chris­tian;
Wear thy ves­ture, priest!
Go ye to the al­tar;
Pray, with fer­vor, pray,
For Je­sus’ second com­ing,
And the lat­ter day.
Carol, car­ol.

Give us grace, O Sav­ior,
To put off in might
Deeds and dreams of dark­ness,
For the robes of light!
And to live as low­ly
As Thy­self with men;
So to rise in glo­ry
When Thou com’st again.
Carol, carol.