Scripture Verse

There is no power but of God; the powers that be are ordained of God. Romans 13:1


Jacob Hintze (1622–1702)

Words: Hen­ry Har­baugh, 1860, cen­to, alt. See al­so God, Most Migh­ty, So­ver­eign Lord.

Music: Salz­burg (Hintze) Ja­cob Hint­ze, 1678 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Henry Harbaugh (1817–1867)


Christ, by heav’n­ly hosts adored,
Gracious, mighty, so­ver­eign Lord,
God of na­tions, King of kings,
Head of all cre­at­ed things,
By the Church with joy con­fessed,
God o’er all, for­ev­er blessed.
Pleading at Thy throne we stand,
Save Thy peo­ple, bless our land.

On our fields of grass and grain
Send, O Lord, the kind­ly rain;
O’er our wide and good­ly land
Crown the la­bors of each hand.
Let Thy kind pro­tect­ion be
O’er our com­merce on the sea.
Open, Lord, Thy boun­te­ous hand;
Bless Thy peo­ple, bless our land.

Let our rul­ers ev­er be
Men that love and hon­or Thee;
Let the pow­ers by Thee or­dained
Be in right­eous­ness main­tained.
In the peo­ple’s hearts in­crease
Love of pi­ety and peace.
Thus unit­ed, may we stand
One wide, free, and hap­py land.