Scripture Verse

They need no candle, neither light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. Revelation 22:5


Words: Ben­ja­min Bed­dome (1717–1795), in the Church Psalm­ist: or, Psalms and Hymns, 50th edi­tion (New York: Ivi­son & Phin­ney, 1847).

Music: Ac­cring­ton Will­iam Moore (1811–1880) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know when the words or mu­sic were writ­ten, or where to get pic­tures of Bed­dome or Moore,


Come, blessèd Spir­it! Source of light,
Whose pow­er and grace are un­con­fined,
Dispel the gloomy shades of night,
The thick­er dark­ness of the mind.

To mine il­lum­ined eyes, dis­play
The glo­ri­ous truth Thy Word re­veals;
Cause me to run the hea­ven­ly way,
Thy book un­fold, and loose the seals.

Thine in­ward teach­ings make me know
The mys­te­ries of re­deem­ing love,
The va­ni­ty of things be­low,
And ex­cel­lence of things above.

While through this du­bi­ous maze I stray,
Spread, like the sun, Thy beams abroad,
To show the dan­gers of the way,
And guide my fee­ble steps to God.