The Father…the Son and…the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 28:20
Words: Charles Wesley, Hymns on the Trinity 1767.
Music: Stella (Hemy) arranged from an English folk tune by Henri F. Hemy, Easy Hymn Tunes for Catholic Schools 1851 (🔊
If you know where to get a good picture of Hemy (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Whom one all-perfect God we own,
Restorer of Thine image lost,
Thy various offices make known;
Display, our fallen souls to raise,
Thy whole economy of grace.
Jehovah in three Persons, come,
And draw, and sprinkle us, and seal
Poor, guilty, dying worms, in whom
Thou dost eternal life reveal;
The knowledge of Thyself bestow,
And all Thy glorious goodness show.
Soon as our pardoned hearts believe
That Thou art pure, essential love,
The proof we in ourselves receive
Of the three witnesses above;
Sure, as the saints around Thy throne,
That Father, Word, and Spirit, are One.
O that we now, in love renewed,
Might blameless in Thy sight appear:
Wake we in Thy similitude,
Stamped with the Triune character;
Flesh, spirit, soul, to Thee resign,
And live and die entirely Thine!