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Scripture Verse

[They] took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet Him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord. John 12:13


Gerard Moultrie (1829–1885)

Words: Ger­ard Moul­trie, Hymns and Lyr­ics 1867.

Music: Come Faith­ful People Clar­ence Bick­nell (1842–1918) (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

Clarence Bicknell (1842–1918)


Come, faith­ful people, come away,
Your hom­age to your mon­arch pay;
It is the feast of palms to­day;
Hosanna in the high­est!

When Christ, the Lord of all, drew nigh
On Sun­day morn to Be­tha­ny,
He called two loved ones stand­ing by:
Hosanna in the high­est!

To yon­der vil­lage go, said He,
An ass and foal tied shall ye see,
Loose them and bring them un­to Me
Hosanna in the high­est!

If any man dis­pute your word,
Say, They are need­ed by the Lord,
And he per­miss­ion will ac­cord
Hosanna in the high­est!

The two up­on their er­rand sped,
And found the ass as He had said,
And on the colt their clothes they spread:
Hosanna in the high­est!

They set Him up­on His throne so rude;
Before Him went the mul­ti­tude,
And in their way their gar­ments strewed:
Hosanna in the high­est!

Go, Sav­ior, thus to tri­umph borne,
Thy crown shall be the wreath of thorn,
Thy royal garb the robe of scorn:
Hosanna in the high­est!

They thronged be­fore, be­hind, around,
They cast palm branch­es on the ground,
And still rose up the joy­ful sound:
Hosanna in the high­est!

Blessèd is Is­ra­el’s king, they cry;
Blessèd is He that com­eth nigh
In name of God the Lord most high
Hosanna in the high­est!

Thus, Sav­ior, to Thy pass­ion go,
Arrayed in roy­al­ty of woe,
Assumed for sin­ners here be­low:
Hosanna in the high­est!