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Scripture Verse

He shall gather the lambs with His arm. Isaiah 40:11


Words: C. Nyse­wan­der, in Al­ways Wel­come, ed­it­ed by Frank M. Da­vis (Cleve­land, Ohio: J. B. Clark, 1879), num­ber 16.

Music: Sa­pi­en­tia Ben­ja­min F. Nyse­wan­der (🔊 ).

If you know C. Nyse­wan­der’s full name, or where to get a good pic­ture of him or Ben­ja­min Nyse­wan­der (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Little child­ren, seek the Sav­ior
In the sun­ny days of youth;
Seek to know Him, learn to love Him;
Study now the Gos­pel truth.


Soon the storms of life may ga­ther,
Soon shall win­try age come on;
Oh, seek re­fuge in the Sav­ior,
He will safe­ly guide you home.

Still the sky is clear above you,
Brightly shines the morn­ing sun;
Do not lin­ger by the way­side,
For life’s course is quick­ly run.


Consecrate your­selves to Je­sus,
For He shed His blood for you;
Ever love Him, ev­er serve Him,
Daily He’ll your strength re­new.


Many child­ren now are sing­ing
Round the throne of God ab­ove;
For they sought the Sav­ior ear­ly,
And they learned the truth to love.
