Scripture Verse

Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11


John Brownlie (1857–1925)

Words: Cos­mas the Me­lo­dist, 760 (Χρισ­τὸς γεν­νᾶται δο­ξά­σα­τε). Trans­lat­ed from Greek to Eng­lish by John Brown­lie, Hymns of the Greek Church (Lon­don: Oli­phant, An­der­son & Fer­ri­er, 1900), pag­es 28–29.

Music: Ir­by Hen­ry J. Gaunt­lett, 1849 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Cosmas the Melodist


Christ is born, go forth to meet Him,
Christ by all the Heav­en ad­ored;
Singing songs of wel­come, greet Him,
For the earth re­ceives her Lord.
All ye na­tions shout and sing;
For He comes, your glo­ri­ous king.

Once His heav’n­ly im­age bear­ing,
Man has sunk to depths of sin;
Now de­filed, de­based, des­pair­ing,
Clad in rags and foul with­in;
But our God, who beau­ty gave,
Lifts the soul He comes to save.

From the height of Heav­en be­hold­ing,
Pity filled the heart of grace,
And our Lord, His love un­fold­ing,
Made the earth His dwell­ing-place;
And a virg­in mo­ther gave
God In­car­nate, man to save.

Wisdom, might, and Word eter­nal,
Glory of the Fa­ther, Thou!
Hid from man and pow­ers su­per­nal,
Lo, He wears our na­ture now!
To the Lord your wor­ship bring,
Praise Him, your vic­tor­ious king.