Scripture Verse

I have called you friends. John 15:15


Words: Amel­ia Cle­ment, in Sab­bath Ca­rols (Al­too­na, Penn­syl­van­ia: R. B Ma­haf­fey, 1881), num­ber 68.

Music: Guild­ford John H. Kis­sing­er (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Cle­ment (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

John Kissinger (1845–1922)


Even in sor­row Christ is our friend;
Even in dan­ger He will de­fend;
Kindly our path­way He will at­tend,
If at His foot­stool we hum­bly bend.


Come to the Sav­ior, oh, sin­ner, come,
Cling to Him close­ly, nor long­er roam;
He’ll guide you safe­ly to rest and home;
Do not re­ject Him: Come, sin­ner, come.

We are most hap­py if we en­dure
For by our chast­en­ing we shall be pure;
Sin may not harm, or Sa­tan al­lure,
If in His love we abide se­cure.


He is the light, the truth, and the way,
Trusting in Him we can ne­ver stray;
Heed now His call to come and ob­ey,
Your night of sor­row shall change to­day.
