He is the head of the body, the Church.
Colossians 1:18
Words: Daniel W. Whittle (1840–1901).
Music: Accra James McGranahan, 1904 (🔊
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The Church of God is one:
As brethren here we meet;
For us salvation’s work is done,
In Christ we stand complete.
The Church of God is one,
Is one in faith and love,
Is one in the death by Jesus borne,
One in His life above.
The Church of God is one:
One only Lord we know;
We worship Jesus, God’s own Son,
Who came God’s love to show.
The Church of God is one:
All, sinners saved by grace;
Our plea, the precious blood alone;
The cross, our meeting place.
The Church of God is one:
The Bible we revere;
By it all saving truth is known,
And God to man brought near.
The Church of God is one:
One blessèd hope have we;
Our dear Redeemer’s sure return
His saints to glorify.