The Lord is risen.
Luke 24:34
Words: Richard R. Chope (1830–1928). Appeared in Carols Old and Carols New, edited by Charles L. Hutchins (Boston, Massachusetts: Parish Choir, 1916), number 179.
Music: Porto Feliz Robert F. Smith (1833–1905) (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Chope or Smith (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Christ is risen! lift the song
Of our Easter gladness;
With the bright triumphant throng,
Cast away all sadness.
Springtide flowers tell us how
We must leave the sighing,
As we pass the sorrow now,
Of our earthly dying.
Lo, the Maries in the gloom
Weeping, bowed with sorrow,
Little dreaming at the tomb
What their joy tomorrow.
Whom they sought—the Lord—they found
Now no more in sadness;
Where did woe and grief abound
There He brought the gladness!
Lo, in all our sorrows here,
Often deep repining,
Through all doubt and darksome fear
Easter sun is shining;
Wherefore now on things above
Set we our affection,
Know the power of Jesus’ love
By His resurrection.
Gladsome birds, fresh breezes tell
With the sunny weather
That dear creed we love so well
All things rise together.
So the angels joyfully
Taught the wondrous story,
Christ is ris’n! To Galilee,
Go and preach His glory.