The Lord is risen indeed.
Luke 24:34
Words: M. R., in the Primary Teachers’ Manual, edited by Christopher R. Blackall, Kate Hershey Rowland & Carrie H. Smith (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: American Baptist Publication Society, 1913), number 40.
Music: Rikard Nordraak (1842–1866) (🔊
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Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Joyful angels sing;
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Earth’s glad carols ring.
To the grave our Lord descended,
Bowed to death’s grim reign,
But the three dread days are ended,
Empty now is death’s domain.
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Sorrow, earth, no more;
From the tomb’s enclosing prison
Lo! an open door.
Through its portals now a vision
Fills the glowing sky;
Sing, ye Christians, Christ is risen,
Ris’n indeed, no more to die.