Scripture Verse

I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. John 8:12


Fred P. Green (1903–2000)

Words: Fred P. Green, 1969.

Music: Chris­te Sanc­tor­um French church me­lo­dy, Pa­ris An­ti­phon­er, 1681 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Christ is the world’s light, Christ and none oth­er;
Born in our dark­ness, he be­came our bro­ther.
If we have seen him we have seen the Fa­ther:
Glory to God on high!

Christ is the world’s peace, Christ and none oth­er;
No one can serve him and des­pise ano­ther.
Who else unites us one in God the Fa­ther?
Glory to God on high!

Christ is the world’s life, Christ and none oth­er;
Sold once for sil­ver, mur­dered here, our bro­ther.
He who re­deems us reigns with God the Fa­ther.
Glory to God on high!

Give God the glo­ry, God and none oth­er;
Give God the glo­ry, Spir­it, Son, and Fa­ther.
Give God the glo­ry, God with us our bro­ther;
Glory to God on high!