Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.
Psalm 61:2
Words & Music: Samuel E. Good, in the Church and Sunday School Hymnal, edited by John D. Brunk (Scottdale, Pennsylvania: Mennonite Publishing House, 1902), number 447 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Good (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
There’s a cleft in the Rock of Ages,
Where my soul may safely hide
While the storms of life are raging,
And the billows roll o’er the tide.
Oh, the cleft of the Rock
Where my soul may hide,
While the storms of life are raging,
And the billows roll o’er the tide.
There is peace for the soul that hideth
In the Rock that is higher than I,
For the soul that only confideth
And the cleft of the Rock will try.
Oh, the cleft of the Rock
Where my soul may hide,
For the soul that only confideth
And the cleft of the Rock will try.
Oh, soul, thou who now art weary,
To the Rock do come for rest;
Come to Him who only can cheer thee,
To the dear loving Savior’s breast.
Oh, the cleft of the Rock
Where my soul may hide,
Come to Him who only can cheer thee,
To the dear loving Savior’s breast.