Scripture Verse

He saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to Heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. Genesis 28:11–12


Words: George W. Se­bren, 1905.

Music: Me­lo­dy by George W. Se­bren, har­mo­ny by Ar­thur B. Se­bren (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of George or Ar­thur Se­bren (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


There is a hea­ven­ly land,
There is a beau­ti­ful strand,
Where com­eth no­thing to cause des­pair;
And with a won­der­ful flight,
We’ll reach a nob­ler height,
With an­gels climb­ing the gold­en stairs.


Behold a beck­on­ing hand,
List to the an­gel­ic band,
In Heav’n we’ll ne­ver know pain nor care;
We’ll walk the beau­ti­ful street,
Blest thought, so won­drous­ly sweet!
With an­gels climb­ing the gold­en stairs.

While on our pil­grim­age here,
We’ll meet with tri­als se­vere;
The road, it seem­eth, is sown in tares;
Yet, thro’ God’s won­der­ful love,
We’ll reach the ci­ty above,
With an­gels climb­ing the gold­en stairs.


Come, let us sing and be glad,
No cause we have to be sad,
For Christ our ev­ery sor­row shares;
There with the glo­ri­fied throng,
We’ll sing a beau­ti­ful song,
With an­gels climb­ing the gold­en stairs.


Jacob’s Ladder
Gerard Hoet (1648–1733)