Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them: for of such is the kingdom of Heaven.
Matthew 19:14
Words & Music: George Orbin, in The Gospel Hymnal, by Edwin O. Excell (Cincinnati, Ohio: Eaton & Main, 1899), number 96 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Orbin (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Hinder the children,
they said to the Master,
Why should the mothers bring them to Thee?
Hinder them not,
was the answer of Jesus,
Let all the little ones come unto Me.
Come unto Me, come unto Me,
Suffer all the little ones to come unto Me;
Turn them not away, but bring them in today,
And suffer them to come unto Me.
Safe in the arms of His tender compassion,
Playful the prattlers sat on His knee,
Waiting to get His divine benediction,
Happy to hear Him say, Come unto Me.
Come now to Jesus, oh, thrice happy welcome,
Welcome to Him who died on the tree;
Tho’ He is reigning in mansions of glory,
Yet does His Spirit say, Come unto Me.
Then in the day of His second appearing,
When from His presence mountains shall flee,
Sweeter than ever will be the glad welcome,
As thou shalt hear Him say, Come unto Me.