Keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.
Matthew 25:13
Words: Rebecca S. Pollard, 1901.
Music: Daniel B. Towner (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Pollard (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Are you waiting for the coming of the King?
Have your lives been purged
Of all their sin and dross?
With the healing blood applied,
Can you praise the Crucified
For your glorious redemption
Thro’ the cross?
Are you looking for the King?
For the coming of the King?
Are your lamps all trimmed and burning
While He waits?
Can you join the ransomed throng
In their grand, triumphant song,
As the shining ones come sweeping
Thro’ the gates?
Are you waiting for the coming of the King?
Are you ready in your hearts
And in your homes?
Are you longing for the day
When the mists shall roll away
And reveal the Lord of glory
When He comes?
Are you listening for the coming of the King?
Have your sins tho’ scarlet
All been blotted out?
Are they spotless robes you wear
For the meeting in the air
When descending hosts proclaim
Him with a shout?
Are you watching for the coming of the King?
For the light to break resplendent
In the east?
For the gates to open wide
When the Bridegroom with His bride
Shall ascend to celebrate
The marriage feast?