Scripture Verse

Keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. Matthew 25:13


Rebecca S. Pollard (1831–1917)

Words: Re­bec­ca S. Pol­lard, 1901.

Music: Da­ni­el B. Tow­ner (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Pol­lard (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Daniel B. Towner (1850–1919)


Are you wait­ing for the com­ing of the King?
Have your lives been purged
Of all their sin and dross?
With the heal­ing blood ap­plied,
Can you praise the Cru­ci­fied
For your glo­ri­ous re­demp­tion
Thro’ the cross?


Are you look­ing for the King?
For the com­ing of the King?
Are your lamps all trimmed and burn­ing
While He waits?
Can you join the ran­somed throng
In their grand, tri­um­phant song,
As the shin­ing ones come sweep­ing
Thro’ the gates?

Are you wait­ing for the com­ing of the King?
Are you rea­dy in your hearts
And in your homes?
Are you long­ing for the day
When the mists shall roll away
And re­veal the Lord of glo­ry
When He comes?


Are you list­en­ing for the com­ing of the King?
Have your sins tho’ scar­let
All been blot­ted out?
Are they spot­less robes you wear
For the meet­ing in the air
When des­cend­ing hosts pro­claim
Him with a shout?


Are you watch­ing for the com­ing of the King?
For the light to break re­splen­dent
In the east?
For the gates to op­en wide
When the Bride­groom with His bride
Shall as­cend to ce­le­brate
The mar­riage feast?
