In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump…the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
1 Corinthians 15:52
Words & Music: James M. Baker, in Hymns We Love (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: A. Geibel Music, 1907), number 124 (🔊
If you know Baker’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
How glorious the morn
When the Savior divine
Shall come in His heav’nly adorning,
The trumpet shall sound,
And the dead shall arise
In the great resurrection morning;
From the east to the west,
The north and the south,
His own will be then ascending,
Away from the world,
From its pain and tears,
Their songs with redeemed ones blending.
Unto Him who hath redeemed us,
And washed us in His blood,
To Him be glory and dominion,
Both now and evermore;
To Him be glory and dominion,
Both now and evermore.
The ransomed shall stand,
Golden crowns on their heads,
And praise Him with great adoration,
Who came to redeem
By His own precious blood,
And brought us through great tribulation;
Salvation to God,
Both wisdom and pow’r,
Thro’ Heav’n’s highest arches ringing,
We’ll join in the song
’Round the great white throne,
With loud alleluias ringing.
The prophets and martyrs
And angels of God
Shall mingle in one great oblation,
Our parents and children
Will all there unite
With saints from all kindred and nations;
To join in the song
We’ve cherished so long,
While here to His Word we’re clinging,
When home with our Lord
’Mid the great white throng,
The new song for aye be singing.