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Scripture Verse

The Lord Himself will come down from Heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God. 1 Thessalonians 4:16


Words: F. L. Du­Pont, in Glo­ry Gleams, ed­it­ed by Ru­fus H. Cor­ne­li­us (Fort Worth, Tex­as: R. H Cor­ne­li­us, 1923).

Music: John W. Den­nis (🔊 ).

If you know Du­Pont’s full name, where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Den­nis, would you send us an e-mail?

John W. Dennis (1866–1947)


We are wait­ing, we are lis­ten­ing
For the trum­pet’s migh­ty blast
That shall wake God’s sleep­ing child­ren,
Bid their slum­bers cease at last;
In the rap­ture and the splen­dor,
All His saints shall free­ly share;
He will give us roy­al welcome
When we meet Him in the air.


We are watch­ing, we are work­ing,
For the com­ing of the King;
No more con­flict, no more sor­row,
Wars for­ev­er­more will cease,
When shall come the Prince of Peace.

Sing it proud­ly, shout it loud­ly,
Till the whole cre­ation rings
With tri­umph­ant strains of music,
Hail the com­ing King of kings!
No more con­flict ’mong the na­tions,
Wars for­ev­er­more will cease;
Wave thy ban­ners, wave them glad­ly,
Hail the com­ing Prince of Peace!


We are work­ing, we are pray­ing,
For His pro­mise will be kept,
That each lov­ing, faith­ful service
He will gra­ci­ously accept;
And it mat­ters not how mea­ger
Are the tal­ents we em­ploy,
They will meet with His ap­prov­al,
And His en­ter in­to joy!


We are wait­ing, we are hoping
For that glad aus­pi­cious day
When His white robed glo­ri­ous ar­my
Shall des­cend in bright ar­ray;
With ex­ult­ant shouts of tri­umph
We shall make the heav­ens ring,
As in won­drous pow­er and glo­ry,
We at­tend the com­ing King.
