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Scripture Verse

Come, Lord Jesus. Revelation 22:20


Words: Eva O. B. Gil­bert, 1905. Pub­lished in Car­ols of Hope, ed­it­ed by Clar­ence M. Sea­mans, Fred­er­ick S. Stan­ton & Fran­cis A. Black­mer (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Ad­vent Chris­tian Pub­li­ca­tion So­ci­ety, 1906), page 80.

Music: La Me­sa Eva O. B. Gi­lbert, 1905 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Gil­bert (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Lo, our king is sure­ly com­ing,
Cry the sen­ti­nels to­day;
From their watch tow­ers on the hill­tops,
They are look­ing far away,
And they see the wav­ing sig­nals,
And they hear the mea­sured tread
That shall soon ar­rest the liv­ing,
And awake the sleep­ing dead.


For our king is sure­ly com­ing;
Angel hosts shall shout it then,
But His her­alds He has chos­en
From among the sons of men.

Let Him find you when He com­eth,
At your hum­ble dai­ly toil;
At the sweep­ing of the kit­chen,
Or the till­ing of the soil;
Let Him find you by the way­side,
Helping on some stum­bling child,
Let Him find you where the tem­pest
Spreads it de­vas­ta­tion wild.


Let Him find you tell­ing hea­then
Of the un­known God they seek;
Let Him find you in the sick room,
Cheering up the faint and weak;
Let Him find you in the ci­ty,
Making straight the paths of youth,
Let Him find you in the pul­pit,
Spreading forth the liv­ing truth.


But wher­ev­er He may find you,
Let it be with ten­der hand;
Guiding men to un­der­stand­ing
Of His pre­cept and com­mand.
For where’er our du­ty leads us,
Be it hum­ble work or fine,
He will hon­or most the spir­it
That shows forth His love di­vine.
