Scripture Verse

Behold, there appeared a smoking oven and a flaming torch which passed between [the] pieces. Genesis 15:17


Phoebe P. Knapp (1839–1908)

Words: Ma­ry D. James, Ju­ly 10, 1869. James wrote the words at the Na­tion­al Camp Meet­ing in Round Lake, New York. They were pub­lished in Notes of Joy, by Phoe­be Knapp (New York: W. C. Pal­mer, Jr., 1869), num­ber 126.

Music: My All Is on the Al­tar Phoe­be P. Knapp (🔊 pdf nwc).

Mary D. James (1810–1883)


My bo­dy, soul and spir­it,
Jesus, I give to Thee,
A con­se­crat­ed of­fer­ing,
Thine ev­er­more to be.


My all is on the al­tar,
I’m wait­ing for the fire;
Waiting, wait­ing, wait­ing,
I’m wait­ing for the fire.

O Je­sus, migh­ty Sav­ior,
I trust in Thy great name;
I look for Thy sal­va­tion,
Thy pro­mise now I claim.


O let the fire, des­cend­ing
Just now up­on my soul,
Consume my hum­ble of­fer­ing,
And cleanse and make me whole!


I’m Thine, O bless­èd Je­sus,
Washed by Thy pre­cious blood,
Now seal me by thy Spir­it
A sac­ri­fice to God.
