We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
Romans 8:37
Words: Florence L. Potter, in Bible Songs of Salvation and Victory (Cincinnati, Ohio: Martin W. Knapp, 1902), number 88.
Music: Robert E. McNeill (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Potter (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Oh, glory to God!
Hallelujah to Jesus!
I’m living in Canaan,
The blood sanctifies.
I’m shouting the victory,
While still pressing forward,
And onward, and upward,
As time swiftly flies,
Temptations are many,
And trials are plenty,
But Jesus is with me,
I’m never alone;
The Comforter fills me,
My soul feels the glory,
I’m thrilled and enraptured
And journeying home.
I’ve peace like a river,
Beyond understanding,
My soul is o’erflowing
By day and by night;
I never before could
Believe for such victory
While pressing the battle
Down here in the fight.
The waters are wild
And the sea rough and stormy,
The rocks often threaten
My soul, tempest tossed;
The Spirit of Jesus
Is out on the waters,
He stilleth their fury
Till safely I’ve crossed.
Let all praise the Lord,
For His goodness and mercy,
He’s more to me now
Than the loved ones of yore;
Surprising me daily
With fresh gifts from Heaven,
His kingly provision
Is mine more and more.
The enemy roars
And attempts to destroy me,
His plans newly laid
Are awaiting each day.
A pilgrim, a stranger,
I face His revilings,
Rejoice in the furnace
And shout on my way.
I sing and I shout,
And endeavor to tell it,
Rejoice when I think
What He’s done for my soul;
I’m glad I can witness,
Oh glory to Jesus!
But nothing expresses
The raptures that roll.
The righteous may smite me,
I deem it a kindness,
Rebukes I can bear,
They will not break my head
I’ve put on the armor,
And Christ fights my battles,
While I in my soul,
Feel the Conqueror’s tread.