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Scripture Verse

We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37


Words: Flor­ence L. Pot­ter, in Bi­ble Songs of Sal­va­tion and Vic­to­ry (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: Mar­tin W. Knapp, 1902), num­ber 88.

Music: Ro­bert E. Mc­Neill (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Pot­ter (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Robert McNeill (1861–1937)


Oh, glo­ry to God!
Hallelujah to Je­sus!
I’m liv­ing in Ca­naan,
The blood sanc­ti­fies.
I’m shout­ing the vic­to­ry,
While still press­ing for­ward,
And on­ward, and up­ward,
As time swift­ly flies,
Temptations are ma­ny,
And tri­als are plen­ty,
But Je­sus is with me,
I’m nev­er alone;
The Com­fort­er fills me,
My soul feels the glo­ry,
I’m thrilled and en­rap­tured
And jour­ney­ing home.

I’ve peace like a riv­er,
Beyond un­der­stand­ing,
My soul is o’er­flow­ing
By day and by night;
I nev­er be­fore could
Believe for such vic­to­ry
While press­ing the bat­tle
Down here in the fight.
The wa­ters are wild
And the sea rough and stor­my,
The rocks oft­en threat­en
My soul, tem­pest tossed;
The Spir­it of Je­sus
Is out on the wa­ters,
He still­eth their fu­ry
Till safe­ly I’ve crossed.

Let all praise the Lord,
For His good­ness and mer­cy,
He’s more to me now
Than the loved ones of yore;
Surprising me dai­ly
With fresh gifts from Heav­en,
His king­ly pro­vi­sion
Is mine more and more.
The en­emy roars
And at­tempts to de­stroy me,
His plans new­ly laid
Are await­ing each day.
A pil­grim, a stran­ger,
I face His re­vil­ings,
Rejoice in the fur­nace
And shout on my way.

I sing and I shout,
And en­dea­vor to tell it,
Rejoice when I think
What He’s done for my soul;
I’m glad I can wit­ness,
Oh glo­ry to Je­sus!
But no­thing ex­press­es
The rap­tures that roll.
The right­eous may smite me,
I deem it a kind­ness,
Rebukes I can bear,
They will not break my head;
I’ve put on the ar­mor,
And Christ fights my bat­tles,
While I in my soul,
Feel the Con­quer­or’s tread.