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Scripture Verse

Come, Lord Jesus. Revelation 22:20


Felice de Giardini
National Portrait Gallerybutton

Words: William E. Ev­ans, 1886. This hymn was writ­ten for the de­di­ca­tion of the Park Place Me­tho­dist Epis­co­pal Church, South, Rich­mond, Vir­gin­ia, where Ev­ans was pas­tor at the time.

Music: It­al­ian Hymn Fe­li­ce de Gi­ar­di­ni, in The Col­lect­ion of Psalm and Hymn Tunes Sung at the Cha­pel of the Lock Hos­pi­tal, 1769 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ev­ans (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


The Shekinah Glory Enters the Tabernacle
Wikimedia Commons

Come, O Thou God of grace,
Dwell in this ho­ly place,
E’en now des­cend!
This tem­ple, reared to Thee,
O may it ev­er be
Filled with Thy ma­jes­ty,
Till time shall end!

Be in each song of praise,
Which here Thy peo­ple raise
With hearts aflame!
Let ev­ery an­them rise
Like in­cense to the skies,
A joy­ful sac­ri­fice
To Thy blest name!

Speak, O eter­nal Lord,
Out of Thy liv­ing Word,
O give suc­cess!
Do Thou the truth im­part
Unto each wait­ing heart;
Source of all strength Thou art,
Thy Gos­pel bless!

To the great One in Three
Glory and prais­es be
In love now giv’n!
Glad songs to Thee we sing,
Glad hearts to Thee we bring,
Till we our God and King
Shall praise in Heav’n!