The Word was made flesh.
John 1:14
Words: Ambrose of Milan, circa 397 (Veni, Redemptor gentium). Translated from Latin to English by John M. Neale, 1862.
Music: Puer Nobis Nascitur Trier manuscript, 15th Century. Adapted by Michael Praetorius, 1609. Harmony by George R. Woodward, 1910 (🔊
Come, Thou Redeemer of the earth,
Come, testify Thy virgin birth:
All lands admire—all times applaud:
Such is the birth that fits a God.
Begotten of no human will,
But of the Spirit, mystic still,
The Word of God, in flesh arrayed,
The promised fruit to man displayed.
The virgin womb that burden gained
With virgin honor all unstained;
The banners there of virtue glow;
God in His temple dwells below.
Proceeding from His chamber free
That royal home of chastity,
Giant of twofold substance, straight
His destined way He runs elate.
From God the Father He proceeds,
To God the Father back He speeds;
Proceeds as far as very hell,
Speeds back to light ineffable.
O equal to the Father, Thou!
Gird on Thy fleshly mantle now;
The weakness of our mortal state
With deathless might invigorate.
Thy cradle here shall glitter bright,
And darkness breathe a newer light,
Where endless faith shall shine serene,
And twilight never intervene.
All honor, laud and glory be,
O Jesu, virgin born, to Thee!
All glory, as is ever meet,
To Father and to Paraclete.