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Scripture Verse

I heard every creature in Heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, singing, To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever! Revelation 5:13


Robert Sandeman (1718–1771)

Words: Ro­bert San­de­man, 1775. Some­times at­trib­ut­ed in­cor­rect­ly to Ar­chi­bald Ruth­er­ford.

Music: Cro­mer John A. Lloyd, Sr. (1815–1874) (🔊 ).

John A. Lloyd (1815–1874)


The count­less mul­titudes on high,
Who tune their songs to Je­sus’ name,
All mer­it of their own de­ny,
And Je­sus’ worth alone pro­claim.

Firm on the ground of so­ver­eign grace
They stand be­fore Je­ho­vah’s throne;
The new song in that bless­èd place
Is, Thou art wor­thy, Thou alone!

With spot­less robes of pur­est white,
And branch­es of tri­um­phal palm,
They shout, with trans­ports of de­light,
Heaven’s cease­less, uni­vers­al psalm;

“Salvation’s glo­ry all be paid
To Him who sits up­on the throne,
And to the Lamb whose blood was shed:
Thou, Thou art wor­thy, Thou alone;

For Thou was slain, and in Thy blood
These robes were washed so spot­less pure!
Thou mad’st us kings and priests to God:
For ev­er let Thy praise en­dure!

While thus the ran­somed my­ri­ads shout,
Amen! the ho­ly an­gels cry—
Amen! Amen! re­sounds through­out
The bound­less re­gions of the sky.