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Scripture Verse

You who fear the Lord, praise Him! Psalm 22:23


Berthold Tours (1838–1897)

Words: From The Psal­ter (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1912), num­ber 50.

Music: Tours Ber­thold Tours, 1872 (🔊 ).

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Come, ye that fear Je­ho­vah,
Ye saints, your voic­es raise;
Come, stand in awe be­fore Him,
And sing His glo­ri­ous praise.
Ye lowly and af­flict­ed
Who on His Word re­ly,
Your heart shall live for­ev­er,
The Lord will sa­tis­fy.

All kin­dreds of the na­tions
To Christ the Lord shall turn,
Through earth’s re­mot­est re­gions
His al­tar fire shall burn.
All king­dom, pow­er and glo­ry
Belong to Him alone;
He rul­eth o’er the na­tions,
Kings bow be­fore His throne.

Both high and low shall wor­ship,
Both strong and weak shall bend,
A faith­ful church shall serve Him
Till ge­ne­ra­tions end.
His praise shall be re­count­ed
To na­tions yet to be,
The tri­umphs of His jus­tice
A new­born world shall see.