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Scripture Verse

Pharaoh’s daughter went down to the Nile to bathe, and her attendants were walking along the river bank. She saw the basket among the reeds and sent her slave girl to get it. She opened it and saw the baby. He was crying, and she felt sorry for him. This is one of the Hebrew babies, she said. Exodus 2:5


Words: Al­fred J. Hough, Egyp­tian Me­lo­dies, and Oth­er Po­ems (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Gor­ham Press, 1911), pag­es 7–9.

Music: Van­cou­ver Ro­bert Low­ry, 1876 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Hough (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Robert Lowry (1826–1899)


The Finding of Moses
Lawrence Alma-Tadema

Just a ba­by in a cra­dle
In the wa­ters on the Nile,
Then a lead­er moves a na­tion,
Like an ar­my, rank and file.
This is how God works His won­ders,
Without trum­pet or dis­play,
And we know not what is rock­ing
In the cra­dle of to­day.

Who will solve the na­tion’s prob­lems,
Level mount­ains, tame the seas,
Crystallize in splen­did action
Visions of the cen­tu­ries!
Who will lead the world to­mor­row
In its up­ward, on­ward way?
Hush! we know not what is rock­ing
In the cra­dle of to­day.

Lips are mold­ing now in si­lence
The il­lum­in­at­ing word—
Hearts are beat­ing splen­did mea­sures
That we nev­er yet have heard.
Comes a face with light up­on it—
God, be­hind a face of clay—
Oh, we know not what is rock­ing
In the cra­dle of to­day.

On some Nile, amidst the rush­es,
Dreaming, hid­den from our view,
There may be a mas­ter work­man
Who shall make this old world new.
Scorn the fear of cra­ven spir­its,
Heed no word the doubt­ers say,
For they know not what is rock­ing
In the cra­dle of to­day.

When the night is at its deep­est,
And the dark­ness Heav­en fills,
There is morn­ing some­where mold­ing,
Back be­hind the east­ern hills.
Never yet has lived a pha­raoh
But some Mos­es broke his sway,
And we know not what is rock­ing
In the cra­dle of to­day.

Earth is full of strange sur­pris­es,
In her near and dist­ant isles,
For the hand of God is mov­ing,
Through the rush­es, on the Niles,
Working out new move­ments, slow­ly,
As the old­er forms de­cay,
And we know not what is rock­ing
In the cra­dle of to­day.

God, a boy, one wo­man mov­ing
In a path to her un­known,
May eman­ci­pate a na­tion,
And strike down an an­cient throne,
Purposes di­vine are shap­ing,
Without haste, with­out de­lay,
And we know not what is rock­ing
In the cra­dle of to­day.

See, a prin­cess from the rush­es,
Takes one of an ali­en race,
Clothes him with the roy­al pur­ple,
Sets him in a lo­fty place.
He will bide his time in si­lence,
Wait to hear what God will say—
Oh, we know not what is rock­ing
In the cra­dle of to­day.

To the fu­ture step right bold­ly,
Hail with hope the com­ing years,
There is lit­tle room for doubt­ing,
There is lit­tle cause for tears;
With the day’s need comes the need­ed,
At the need hour, on its way,
For we know not is rock­ing
In the cra­dle of to­day.