Scripture Verse

His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. Revelation 19:12


Thomas Kelly (1769–1855)

Words: Tho­mas Kel­ly (1769–1855). Ap­peared in The Sac­red Lute, ed­it­ed by Ed­win T. Wink­ler (Charles­ton, South Ca­ro­li­na: South­ern Bap­tist Pub­li­ca­tion So­ci­ety, 1855).

Music: Zane, ano­ny­mous, in The Sab­bath Hymn and Tune Book, ed­it­ed by Low­ell Ma­son, Ed­wards A. Park & Aus­tin Phelps (New York; Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts & Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Ma­son Bro­thers, 1859), page 166 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know the com­pos­er, or where to get a good pic­ture of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Crowns of glo­ry ev­er bright
Rest up­on the Con­quer­or’s head;
Crowns of glo­ry are His right—
His, who liv­eth and was dead.

He sub­dued the pow­ers of hell,
In the fight He stood alone;
All His foes be­fore Him fell,
By His sin­gle arm o’er­thrown.

His the bat­tle, His the toil;
His the hon­ors of the day;
His the glo­ry and the spoil:
Jesus bears them all away.

Now pro­claim His deeds afar;
Fill the world with His re­nown:
His alone the vic­tor’s car;
His the ev­er­last­ing crown!