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Scripture Verse

He shall reign for ever and ever. Revelation 11:15


Words: Ed­ward A. Day­man, in Hymns of the Faith, ed­it­ed by George Har­ris, Will­iam J. Tuck­er & Ed­ward K. Gle­zen (New York) & Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Hough­ton & Mif­flin 1887), num­ber 166.

Music: Is­ling­ton George M. Gar­rett, 1887 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Day­man (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

George M. Garrett


Christ, that ev­er reign­eth,
Christ, that here remain­eth,
Christ, with­in us dwell­ing,
Christ in praise ex­cell­ing,
Him we pro­claim, His glo­ri­ous name;
To our cre­at­or ren­der
Homage all due; low­ly and true
Homage to Him we ten­der.

Heaven’s high host re­joic­es,
Lifting up all voic­es,
Jubilant with glad­ness—
Yet the earth with sad­ness
Dreading her fate God doth await
Who judg­ment strict rev­eal­eth;
Merciful pow­er, save in that hour
Those whom Thy pas­sion healeth!

Raise us, cleans­ed, to re­gions
Where the an­gel le­gions
Round Thee aye are soar­ing,
With Thy saints ad­or­ing;
Grant us Thy peace, bid dan­gers cease,
And Thou, Thy mer­cy send­ing,
Christ, give us rest, where, with the blest,
Thy reign is nev­er end­ing.