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Edward Arthur Dayman



Born: Ju­ly 11, 1807, Pad­stow, Corn­wall, Unit­ed King­dom.

Died: Oc­to­ber 30, 1890, Shill­ing­stone, Dor­set­shire, Eng­land.


Edward was the son of John Day­man of Mam­bu­ry, North De­von.

He was edu­cat­ed at Blun­dell’s School, Tiv­er­ton, Dev­on, and Exe­ter Col­lege, Ox­ford (first class in Lit. Hum., 1829; BA 1830; MA 1831; BD 1841). He was for some time Fel­low and Tu­tor of his Col­lege, and Pro-Proc­tor, 1835.

Taking Ho­ly Or­ders in 1835, he be­came suc­cess­ive­ly ex­am­in­er for the Uni­ver­si­ty Schol­ar­ship for La­tin, 1838; in Lit. Hum., 1838–39, and 1841–42; Sen. Proc­tor of the Uni­ver­si­ty, 1840; Rec­tor of Shill­ing-Oke­ford or Shill­ing­stone, Dor­set, 1842; Rur­al Dean, 1849; Proc­tor in Con­vo­ca­tion, 1852; and Can­on of Bit­ton in Sar­um Ca­thed­ral, 1862.


Dayman al­so con­trib­ut­ed sev­er­al trans­la­tions from the La­tin to the Hym­na­ry, 1872, and for ma­ny years worked on an Eng­lish dic­tion­ary of med­ie­val La­tin.




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