Scripture Verse

Songs of praise and thanksgiving unto God. Nehemiah 12:46


Words: From the La­tin Gra­du­al, 12th Cen­tu­ry (Ju­bi­le­mus om­nes una). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by Ed­ward A. Day­man in the Hym­na­ry, 1872.

Music: Na­maan Mi­chael A. A. Cos­ta (1808–1884). Ar­ranged by Will­iam H. Call­cott (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Day­man or Call­cott (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Michael Costa (1808–1884)


Honor and glo­ry, thanks­giv­ing and praise,
Maker of all things, to Thee we up­raise;
God the Al­migh­ty, the Fa­ther, the Lord;
God by the an­gels ob­eyed and ad­ored.

Thou art the Fa­ther of Heav­en and earth;
Worlds un­cre­at­ed to Thee owe their birth;
All the cre­ation, Thy voice when it heard,
Started to life and to light at Thy Word.

Onward the sun and the moon and their march
Span with the rain­bow the fir­ma­ment’s arch;
Stars yet un­known, and whose light is to come,
Find in cre­ation their place and a home.

Earth with the mount­ain, the riv­er, the plain,
Sky with the dew-drop, the wind, and the rain,
Beast of the forest, wild bird of the air,
All are Thy crea­tures, and all are Thy care.

Ocean the rest­less, and wa­ters that swell,
Lightnings that flash ov­er flood, over fell,
Own Thee the Mas­ter Al­migh­ty, and call
Thee the Cre­at­or, the Fa­ther, of all.

Yea, Thou art Fa­ther of all, and Thy love
Pity for man that is fall­en doth move;
Guide us in life, and pro­tect to the last;
And, at Thine Ad­vent, Lord, par­don the past.