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Scripture Verse

Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Matthew 6:25


Words: Su­san H. Pe­ter­son, 1998 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Room for Je­sus Char­lie C. Will­iams (1852–1882) (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Will­iams (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Susan Peterson


Do not wor­ry for your life,
What you’ll eat or drink or wear;
Is not life much more im­port­ant
Than these things that cause you care?
See the birds—they sow and reap not,
Nor in barns do store away.
Yet your heav’n­ly Fa­ther feeds them;
Have you not more worth than they?

And why wor­ry about clo­thing?
See the li­lies’ glad ar­ray;
Solomon in all his splen­dor
Never dressed as fine as they.
This is how God clothes the grass­es,
Though their life is but a day.
Will He not much more meet your needs?
Let your faith not fade away.

So I tell you, do not wor­ry,
Asking what you’ll eat or drink.
Nor be anx­ious about cloth­ing—
These are things that all men seek.
And your Fa­ther knows you need them;
Worry won’t com­mand His pow­er.
Which of you by con­stant fret­ting
Adds to life a sin­gle hour?

Seek first, then, your Fa­ther’s king­dom
And His right­eous­ness on high.
All these things will then be giv­en;
God will not ne­glect your cry.
So fret not about to­mor­row;
God di­rects the fu­ture, too.
Though each day will bring its trou­bles,
Trust in Him—He’ll see you through.