I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.
Song of Solomon 2:1
Words: Albert B. Simpson (1843–1919). Translated from Swedish (Nere I dalen) to English by S. C. Theodore Ramsey (1889–1964).
Music: Anonymous, before 1932 (🔊
If you know the composer, or where to get a good picture of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Down in the valley ’midst lilies sweet scented,
There is the friend whom I love and revere.
Oh, I will follow His steps so contented
As on the breeze His sweet name I can hear.
O Thou, God’s precious Son,
Who gave Thy life for me,
I am so thankful, Lord, that Thou loved me.
Thee I am seeking, oh, heed my imploring;
Whither in fragrance dost Thou take repose?
Where Thou at midday Thy flock art restoring,
Shaded from heat where the clear fountain flows?
Now I have found Thee, O Jesus, my Savior;
Let me eternally say, Thou art mine.
Hide not Thy face from the soul seeking favor;
Hast Thou not sought me and said I am Thine?
Sweet as Thy voice have the angels ne’er spoken;
Soft as Thy smile can the light never be.
Press me so near to Thy heart in love’s token.
Oh, to be Thine, that means heaven to me.