Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for Me One who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.
Micah 5:2
Words: Aurelius Prudentius (348–413) (O sola magnarum urbium). Translated from Latin to English by Edward Caswall, Lyra Catholica, 1849, altered by the compilers of Hymns Ancient and Modern.
Music: Stuttgart in Psalmodia Sacra, by Christian F. Witt (Gotha, Germany: 1715). Adapted by Henry J. Gauntlett (1805–1876) (🔊 ).
If you know where to get a good picture of Prudentius or Witt (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Earth has many a noble city;
Bethlehem, thou dost all excel;
Out of thee the Lord from Heaven
Came to rule His Israel.
Fairer than the sun at morning
Was the star that told His birth,
To the world its God announcing
Seen in fleshly form on earth.
Eastern sages at His cradle
Make oblations rich and rare;
See them give, in deep devotion,
Gold and frankincense and myrrh.
Sacred gifts of mystic meaning:
Incense doth their God disclose,
Gold the King of kings proclaimeth,
Myrrh His sepulcher foreshows.
Jesu, whom the Gentiles worshiped
At Thy glad Epiphany,
Unto Thee, with God the Father
And the Spirit, glory be.