Scripture Verse

The Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light. Isaiah 60:19


Words: Ano­ny­mous, in Co­rol­la Hym­nor­um (Co­logne, Ger­ma­ny: 1806), page 41 (Ae­ter­na lux, Di­vi­ni­tas!). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by Ri­chard F. Lit­tle­dale, Peo­ple’s Hym­nal, 1867, num­ber 163.

Music: Mont­go­me­ry (Stan­ley) in Call’s The Tunes & Hymns as They Are Used at the Mag­da­len Cha­pel, cir­ca 1760, at­trib­ut­ed to John Stan­ley (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Lit­tle­dale (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Eternal Light, Di­vi­ni­ty,
O Un­ity in Trin­ity,
Thy ho­ly name Thy ser­vants bless,
To Thee we pray, and Thee con­fess.

We praise the Fa­ther, migh­ty One;
We praise the sole-be­got­ten Son;
We praise the Ho­ly Ghost abo­ve,
Who joins them in one bond of love.

For of the Fa­ther in­fi­nite,
Begotten is the Light of light,
And from His love eter­nal­ly
Proceeds the Spir­it, God most high.

None can more high or ho­ly be,
Co-equal is their De­ity,
The sub­stance of the Three is One,
And eq­ual laud to Them is done.

The Three are one im­men­si­ty,
The Three one high­est ve­ri­ty,
The Three one per­fect char­ity,
And they are man’s fe­li­ci­ty.

O ve­ri­ty! O char­ity!
O end­ing and fe­li­ci­ty!
In Thee we hope, in Thee be­lieve,
Thyself we love, to Thee we cleave.

Thou first and last, from whom there springs
The fount of all cre­at­ed things,
Thou art the life which moves the whole,
Sure hope of each be­liev­ing soul.

Thou who alone the world hast made,
Art still its one suf­fic­ing aid,
The on­ly light for gaz­ing eyes,
And, un­to them that hope, the prize.

O Fa­ther, source of God the Word,
O Word with Him co-eq­ual Lord,
O Spir­it of like ma­jes­ty,
O tri­une God, all praise to Thee.