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Scripture Verse

What manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us. 1 John 3:1


Jean M. Gower (1868–1957)

Words: Jean M. Gow­er (1867–1957).

Music: Li­ver­more Jean M. Gow­er (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

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Father, lov­ing Fa­ther,
Hear Thy child­ren’s call;
With Thy love en­fold us,
And pro­tect us all.

From the dawn’s first glim­mer,
To the close of day
May we feel Thee near us
On our earth­ly way.

And from ev­en­ing pray­er time
Through the dark of night,
Let us rest in qui­et­ness
Until morn brings light.

Teach our tongues to praise Thee
In the hymns we sing;
Teach our hearts to love Thee
As our voic­es ring.