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Scripture Verse

Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy salvation cometh…His reward is with Him, and His work before Him. Isaiah 62:11


Horatius Bonar (1808–1889)

Words: Ho­ra­ti­us Bo­nar, Hymns of Faith and Hope, third ser­ies, 1866, pag­es 126–27, alt.

Music: Pas­cal’s Wag­er Sam­uel P. War­ren, 1886 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

Samuel Warren (1841–1915)


Fear not, O Zi­on’s daugh­ter,
He comes, He comes, thy king!
He comes in low­ly great­ness;
Lift up thy voice and sing!
He comes with love and bless­ing.
With glo­ry, light for thee;
A day of great sal­va­tion,
A year of ju­bi­lee.

As Prince of peace He com­eth,
Desire of na­tions He;
As Bride­groom He ap­pear­eth,
At mid­night, wake and see.
As king of earth He com­eth,
Creation’s theme and song;
Let Heav’n be­gin the chor­us,
And earth its notes pro­long.

He comes to spoil the spoil­er,
To judge, avenge and reign;
He comes to bind the strong one
In ev­er­last­ing chain.
Not now in shame and weak­ness,
As bear­er of our sin,
But comes in roy­al splen­dor
His king­dom to begin.

His scep­ter now disp­lay­ing,
He comes as crown­èd king;
Creation, rise in tri­umph:
Oh, lift thy voice and sing!
Fear not, O Zi­on’s daugh­ter,
Fear not, thou bur­dened earth,
Redemption’s day now com­eth,
Thy day of se­cond birth!